
Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to Use Garlic as an Antibiotic |

Streptococcal pharyngitisImage via Wikipedia
My son just recently got Strep Throat, so I figured since I was doing a blog about Mesothelioma Awareness, I would share this information with you. I found this site with tips on How to Use Garlic as an Antibiotic, and it seems to be effective so far. His swelling has already gone down and he is already feeling much better, and that's only after a couple of days. Soon I believe I will be starting another blog just for home remedies and other health awareness issues. I hope you will all be sure to check it out when I've completed it!

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  1. Hello ! thanks for sharing this information. My daughter always have Tonsillitis monthly and it really worries me.

  2. Interesting article!. That’s great! Nice blog…

  3. Well done! i am gratifed that you have shared this important news with us. knowladge giving article! i appreciate you. i completely agree with you.

  4. Feeling really sad about your son. and thanks for sharing it!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this source. It was interesting and at the moment you watch it, you surely won’t forget it Very informative blog. I think many could benefit from reading your blog therefore I am subscribing to it and telling all my friends.

  6. What increases the chances that a person will get mesothelioma?

  7. Thanks for this informative article you've wrote.Anyway, garlic has really numerous health benefits in our body and your article is another additional information for me to know. Keep it up the good work.

  8. Garlic is really great for all sort of things. I think articles like this should be more often. Tnx :)

  9. Thanks for letting us know about that and please continue posting blogs like that.

  10. Truly fresh garlic is not only an antibiotic but also a very powerful expectorant.

  11. I'm so pleased to read that garlic can be the best home remedy for Mesothelioma patient. Thanks so much for this tips.

  12. thanks for the information.. some time am suffered from strep throat..good post

  13. Its good to hear garlic can be helpful in throat problem there are many such home remedies that can cure many problems i will wait for your home remedy blogs thanks for sharing this

  14. There should be a way to pass to people out there such important information on ways to improve their health and preventing various diseases from spreading on their bodies or families. Sorry for your son and it is very nice that you found time to share the post to many people. Garlic is very important to our lives.

  15. Garlic is a natural antibiotics and has been used for ages to treat many ailments. I use it together with honey to treat sore throat. It works like magic!

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