
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thank you For Your Comments!

Hello, Readers!

I wanted to apologize for my long absence.  My laptop had to be sent away for repairs twice, amid my own medical appointments and procedures, so I regret that I have not been able to be here to keep this site updated. I thank each one of your for your kind comments, and for the encouragement to keep this blog going, even when I don't particularly feel like it. You are all a wonderful inspiration to go on researching and sharing what I am able regarding this vicious and so very difficult to detect and treat disease. 

One of my original motivations was the fact that this disease need never have existed, if construction supervisors, manufacturers of the building materials, code inspectors and those who determine what is allowed by building codes had all decided that no amount of money saved or corners cut in the way of time lmits was worth one human life - nor any amount of suffering of one person or the loved ones of those victimized by this awful scourge.  I thank God that now it is beginning to come out into the open, and that damages can be sought against the careless members of the industry who thought they'd never have to pay, and I pray that soon there will be a cure for all forms of this evil, evil disease.

Meanwhile, now that I am back, I will continue to do what I can to bring the most helpful, updated information I am able to bring to this blog, and share it with any who are in need.  I thank you all for your encouragement, and I hope that I can do something to encourage all of you.  I will return on Monday with whatever new material I have.  Until then,

ninib :)

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